Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Prayer: How to Get Started

(Post 10 of 10 posts about prayer.)

So how do we get started? I'll tell you what works for me; but you need to take some time and figure out what will work best for you. It might be nothing at all like what I do.

I pray best in writing. I have filled several journals with prayers over the years. Writing helps me to focus. It's also helpful because it provides a record in which I can see how God has worked in my life.

Morning is my best time (first thing). Ideally, I get up before anyone else in the house, 6am if I can pry my face from the pillow. I make my coffee; sit on my couch with my journal, pen, and Bible; and pray for God to open my sleepy ears to His voice. Then I read a little and respond in prayer (remember, it's a conversation). I usually only spend 15 minutes or so, which sets the tone for the rest of the day.

I also try to remain prayerful throughout the day. I pray for faith when I get afraid (which happens more often than I care to admit - but I don't think anyone reads this blog anyway). I pray for wisdom as I approach decisions and conversations. I pray for others as I think of it.

And that's it really. Nothing special, just talking with my Dad, the King.

Just remember, if you're a Christian, you are accepted. You are a child of God. Don't look at prayer as a means of acceptance. If you do, you'll start to feel guilty when you don't pray. Instead look at it as an incredible privilege to spend time with Dad, which is a joyful and liberating thing.

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