Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Prayer: Confident

(Post 9 of 10 posts about prayer.)

"For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever." - Jesus teaching about prayer in Matthew 6:13.

We talk to our Dad, the King, because we love Him and He loves us. We ask for His direction, provision, and forgiveness because we're confident that He is capable of delivering. There's no need to doubt. In fact, anyone who doubts won't receive an answer because he's double-minded (James 1). God is either the glorious and powerful King or He's not. We must decide before we speak to Him in prayer and if we decide that He is, there is no place for doubt in our prayer.

He's powerful. He's good. And He loves His children. So pray with confidence.

1. Prayer is secret.
2. Prayer is familiar.
3. Prayer is meaningful.
4. Prayer is submissive.
5. Prayer is dependent.
6. Prayer is penitent.
7. Prayer is confident.

PS: This isn't just religious talk. I'm convinced by God's word and personal experience that He is the glorious and powerful King. He does listen to His children. He can be trusted. Even with whatever it is that is plaguing you right now. What are you worried about? What are you struggling with? Talk to your Dad about it. Seriously. Right now. And relax. Your Father has it all under control. I promise.

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